Giới Thiệu về 5D


The state of your consciousness affects everything you do and everything you think—the greater your conscious awareness, the greater your ability to control your life.

Your level of consciousness is a reflection of the quality of your life experiences — good and bad and the wisdom gathered of it all.

Meditation techniques enable your consciousness to soar to new heights so that you can experience the bliss of a pure being. This will train your mind to be alert and relaxed at the same time.

Meditation is the process of unlearning. Meditation can not be learned with knowledge. Only by unlearning can you learn meditation.

It is about neutrality and peace. Letting go of all condition and arriving at zero. Emptying the mind from clutter and stepping into the unknown.

You’re gaining a lot of knowledge by learning. Knowledge and the mind are both essential to living in the world. The mind, on the other hand, must be treated as a tool, as a servant. And keep in mind that YOU are the Master.

However, you are forgetting who YOU are and losing your true self as a result of your gathered knowledge.

The Master enters through meditation. It fully awakens you to the fact that your mind is your servant. You can now do whatever you want with it. And if you don’t want to do anything with it, you can leave it alone and remain completely silent.

But the problem is, for most people, they are not the masters right now.

It is because of their accumulated knowledge. Hence, now it is time for you to unlearn.

Unlearn all that you have learned.

The more you have learned the more challenging this task will be for you.

A real spiritual master will teach you how to unlearn. Meditation is the act of clearing your mind by unlearning all you’ve learned so far.

The mind is like a stumbling block. The river is present, but it is obstructed and unable to flow. It is surrounded by rocks, which prevent it from flowing. The river yearns for the sea and wishes to be free of its confinement.

The river is trying to reach the sea, but it is being stopped by a large rock. That rock is a product of your mind. It’s a huge rock, too, because you’ve been hoarding it and adding to it for a long time.

Breaking the rock and removing it from the obstruction is the process of meditation.

The rock will gradually go away. As a result from practicing spiritual discipline and as a part of that you must add meditation as a routine to your lifestyle.

When the rock vanishes, a new flow of water will begin to flow towards the ocean. That is what meditation is all about.

When you meditate, you give up control. You concentrate on bringing the mind to silence rather than to any particular thought or image.

Detach from your thoughts and learn to treat them as a separate entity. Observe them but do not engage in them and do not judge them. Do not identify with your mind’s chatter.

Your mind will wander. As long as you are meditating, you are exercising control over your mind. Then, all of a sudden, your mind simply drifts off into a void space, a pure silence, ultimate bliss.

Each time you bring the mind to stillness, you are strengthening your conscious awareness.

You train your mind to be alert and relaxed at the same time so that your consciousness soars to new heights, enabling you to experience the bliss of a pure being.

As you become more familiar with your meditation technique, you will find that you can relax more and more. Your life will become more effortless. You will become more aware of the beauty that surrounds you, and you will become more receptive to the blessings that the Universe brings to you.

This is your challenge that you must overcome and master.

Meditation is your number one ally on your journey to ascending into the fifth dimension.

Many people wonder how to meditate and what they need to do to achieve a meditative state. The solution, though, is that mediation happens while you aren’t doing anything.

It’s as though you’re asking yourself, “What can I do to relax?” To achieve a state of relaxation, you must stop doing everything. Meditation is the same thing. Meditation is a state of peace in which you are not doing anything physically or mentally.

The life energy travels towards the center when you are not doing anything physically or mentally, and it settles down in the center. When you’re doing something, your energy is expended. Doing is a form of spending your energy.  Non-doing is a method of gaining energy. 

Physically, you may easily cease doing anything. However, it will be difficult to cease doing anything mentally at first. Because when you sit silently and don’t do anything bodily, your mind will create massive thoughts.

Thoughts are similar to things. They have no roots and don’t belong to YOU; they wander around in your head. They come and leave as if they were visitors. YOU, on the other hand, are the master.

Thoughts will continue to come at the beginning of your meditation practice due to old habits and old momentum. But keep in mind that these are rootless objects wandering around in your head that don’t belong to you. It will be challenging at first, but only because of past patterns.

Your mind wants to catch a thought, follow it around, and enjoy it.   But don’t stick to the thought. Keep an eye on what you’re thinking. If you forget your observation and associate it with thinking, return to your witnessing condition as soon as possible.

Within a few days, your thoughts will begin to slow down and become less frequent. They will begin to vanish, or if they do appear, there will be large gaps between one thought and the next.

One thought will come and go. After then, another will not appear for a while. Then another will appear, and there will be a gap once more. You will discover about the Fifth Dimension for the first time during those gaps. Even grabbing ahold of it for a single moment will bring you tremendous happiness!

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